Sunday, August 20, 2017

A sunny warm day in Oklahoma.

I was home all day.  Still can't drive and though I know I could have gotten someone to drive me to and from church, the thought of sitting an hour in those hard pews for an hour, I knew was NOT a good thing.   Also I am still quite weak.

Got to remember, I am recovering from surgery and I am NOT 50 years old any more:)

This week will be busy.   Will be seeing the Oncologist on Monday and get a plan for the chemo and radiation therapy that comes next.   Then Tuesday, I will see Dr. Aiku, my family physician for the miscellaneous help I am sure I need.   I DO have some questions.   Finally, on Thursday, I will have a followup with Dr. Trachte,, my surgeon.  

So anyway, home all day.  Bart hurt his shoulder the other day and is resting for the week ahead as he is my chauffeur.   Barb has a sinus infection and is trying to heal.   I worry about her, she is rather run down and susceptible.   I hope this day of total rest will help.  Wish she could have an extra day or two thrown in.

Nothing exciting happened.  Nicky and I alone, lead a pretty quiet life.

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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