Saturday, November 08, 2014

Home all day

I have been home all day.    Today this was good.  

However.   I slept until 8AM.   I often do this, but this morning, I did not have Roxie waking me up to feed her at four, or five or six or seven.   She really is not eating or drinking much that I can see.  I am quite worried.   This evening, I opened a can of tuna and gave her the drained tuna water.   She did drink all of that and I put some on her dinner food.   Hopefully, she is just a bit under the weather.   I will be watching her very closely. 

I finished the Wee Thatched Cottage wall hanging that I have been working on.   I am pleased.   Members can display their work at Plymouth Arts Center later this month and I will take it there.

I also have my desk in such good shape that I can find things and have finished a couple of small projects.   Things just get buried. 

Tomorrow I am going to Mass as I was assigned Lector duties.   I hope she remembers when the new schedule comes out that I prefer Saturdays.

Tomorrow is also quiet but I want to finish two writing projects and straighten out my sewing area for the next project which is fast approaching.

Dia Dhuit


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