Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another LONGGGGG Day. But I am ready to hang it up finally.

Left for the hospital at 7:30AM. I still missed Dr. Fehrman. But he had talked to Dick at some length and Dick was aware enough (yesterday, as I said, he was not really assimilating the information because of the drugs he was on) to know what the prognosis is.

As I said, it is risky because of the circulation problems. We will just have to wait out the next week to ten days to see if his body is cooperating.

So. I stayed with him until about noon, then zipped home to spend some time with Chelsea and shop and bank. I got back to the hospital at about 3:15Pm. Dick is doing well overall. The nurses love him, of course, and take good care of him. When his dinner came, I went down and got mine so we could eat together.

The person from the social service/release area came and talked to us about what happens when he is released. He cannon put any weight on his left foot for several weeks. We know that he would not be safe at home unless we had full time nursing and a lot of equipment that we DO NOT have. Therefore, we are opting for rehab. There is a rehab center at the old Plymouth Hospital which is about three blocks from here. That is where we went every day for 8 weeks last year to get the antibiotics to clear that horrible infections. We know a lot of people there and it is close. I feel good about that. We have to consider Dick's safety and we want every chance of healing to be there.

Anyway, while I was waiting today, I finished crocheting and assembling a Koala Bear. Maybe I'll take a picture and send it to you tomorrow. I am so delighted with little FUN things these days and my little Koala Bear is cute.



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