Monday, September 08, 2008

It is ten after ten in the evening. Way past my bedtime and I am just starting the blog. Why? you ask?

It all started this morning. I am not sure that I mentioned that Dick's left foot, the one with the surgery, was "bent" He has been walking pigeon toed. It started on Friday evening or Saturday. We noticed that the foot was kind of sideways. We attributed it to the loss of the bone and little toe on that foot, but by Saturday we could not straighten the foot at all and it was hurting. By Sunday he could not walk on it at all. We were both up almost all of Sunday night. He had an appointment with Dr. Moreno at 8:15AM. He is the wound specialist but we had him look at the foot anyway and he said that he thought it might have a break. He ordered an X-ray and sent notice to Dr. Fehrman's office. We went and got the x-ray and they sent us home with more Vikadin.

As we were getting ready to load up, some paramedics came up behind his chair and asked us to move. We were a little startled but they were pushing a woman on a gurney. It was really good luck for us as they helped us get Dick out of the wheel chair and into the car.

Home again, we had a miserable day. At one point it took Jim, Michelle and myself to get him into bed to rest. Then he couldn't stay long because it hurt that way too.

Dr. Fehrman was in surgery until 4:30. W did hear from his nurse who said he would get back to us either tonight or tomorrow. By 4:30 I knew there was NO way we could make it through another night and after much insisting, finally convinced the nurse that Dr. Fehrman HAD to look at the x-rays and get back to us. He finally did at about 5:30PM. The ankle is not broken. There is a dislocation of a bone in the ankle which has twisted the foot into a very unnatural painful position. This CAN be as bad or worse than a break and is obviously every bit as painful.

To make a long story short, Dick is now a patient at Sheboygan Memorial Hospital where they can treat his pain and hopefully provide him with the care he needs. Tomorrow, Dr. Fehrman will go in and fix it. I don't know if it has to be surgically, or if they can do a manual adjustment but he has to be under sedation. He is relieved that something will be done, but very uncomfortable. I am relieved but tired and miss him already.

Tomorrow will come soon and I want to be back there at about 7:30 or so. Therefore Chelsea and I are going to go to bed now. Just wanted to update everybody. Jim and Michelle went with me tonight. It is good to have support.

We appreciate all the prayers and hope that this will be a beginning of improvements. The open wound on the right foot DOES look better.

Take care



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