Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another rainy day. When Chelsea and I got out for the walk it was really quite pleasant but by the time I went out, intending to WALK to the Care Center, it had started to rain again and did not stop until late this afternoon. At least we did get a good walk.

Dick had a much better night last night. He did not sleep much but at least did not get disorientated when he woke up from naps. I got there at 9AM and stayed there through lunch. I brought some lasagna for myself. They have a microwave to heat bring ins. I can also join him at any meal for the price of $5. The first day I did and the food is really quite good. It was double cool because Jim and Michelle came by and when they found out what WE were doing, Jim went home and got stew and corn bread for THEIR lunch and we all ate together and started watching the Packer Game.

I had to go home for an hour or two but got back in time for us all the see the spectacular ending of the game. Can you believe three interceptions returned for touchdowns. The first half was pretty good too. They had to give us our heart attack and catch up in the fourth quarter though.

Wow, we are starting off at 2 and 0.

I came home at about 7PM and have been spending most of my time taking Chelsea out. She seems to think that I owe her these days. I don't know if she really feels she has to go, after all she does take water pills, if she wants attention or if she wants to go to bed.

Tomorrow or the next day, I will take her in to visit Dick. She will like that I know. Just the ride will make her happy.

Well, we have another adventurous week ahead of us. I know that Dick will start therapy, both physical and occupational tomorrow. We have to get him safely mobile. I will also start some therapy for my knees. They have been getting worse lately and I know that proper exercises would help me.

Thanks for all the prayers. I pray for you all every day too.



Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical.

My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high,

I'd gained some weight, and I didn't feel so hot.

My doctor said eating right doesn't have to

be complicated and it would solve my physical

problems. He said just think in colors...

Fill your plate with bright colors... greens,

yellows, reds, etc.

I went right home and ate an

entire bowl of :

M &Ms

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