Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today was much better than yesterday, I did not get discouraged at all. Even when I talked to Dr. Fehrman's nurse, Karen, who affirmed that the ankle does have two new fractures. They are small but they are there. We are wondering if he possible injured it the first time because of disorientation caused by the pain pills. A distinct possibility, but we will never know. At least now everything seems to be under control.

I did have a terrible night's sleep last night. I woke up about 2AM with my hips and knees just aching and had to get up and soak in a hot tub. That helped. Then Chelsea dragged me up at 5Am. So I took her out long enough to relieve herself, fed her and went back to bed until 6AM. Just kept on moving until 9 when I went over to the Care Center to see Dick. He had a reasonable night. No events anyway. I just stayed with him and kind of napped until 11 when I had to go home to take care or the girl.

Bobbie and Bill picked me up between 11:30 and noon and we drove up to Green Bay to Cook's Corner. For those of you who don't know, Cook's Corner was in Manitowoc. An absolutely WONDERFUL kitchen supply store with any kitchen gadget etc that you can think of. It also has a fudge and coffee counter and interesting foods. They closed the Manitowoc store and not too long ago we found out that they had reopened in Green Bay.

They took me to Olive Garden for lunch. We all had the soup and salad lunch. We all had Zuppa Toscana soup too. It was SO good. I wish we would get an Olive Garden in Sheboygan County.

I sure had fun at the store. I found that they carry Revolution brand tea. I got three kinds that I like, Earl Grey with Lavendar, Tropical Green Tea and White Pear tea. I also replaced several gadgets and utensils that needed replacing. Altogether a wonderful day and I feel much more rested and relaxed.

After I got home, I took care of Chelsea, then went over and spent a couple of hours with Dick. We had supper together and then I left.

Bret called tonight. He has been trying to call since I left him the message, but not catching me home. He is fine and sounds so good. I miss my boy.

It was a Beautiful Day. in the mid 70s and sunny. A few trees are beginning to show color which is scary in mid September. Tomorrow it is supposed to get up into the 80s. We have really been on a roller coaster. It was 48 this morning when Chelsea and I walked.

Maxine says: "If there's a law against showing boobs on TV, then what's with all these campaign ads"

Enjoy your Friday.



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