Friday, September 19, 2008

I ALMOST forgot to post. I was actually in bed when I remembered. I was a rather busy confusing day.

I did sleep well last night. No achy hips or knees. Chelsea was an early bird at 5AM but I gave her lettuce and shut her out until almost 6. We had a really lovely walk.

I did some wash and some computer catch up and then went over to see Dick. He was at breakfast and really glad to see me. It is so nice to be welcomed with so much love. We spent the morning together. I went down to therapy with him. Then we were able to get an appointment with the beauty shop downstairs to have his hair cut and washed. That was a relief. It has been difficult and we have been doing mostly just washing with cloths. So a shampoo was a pleasure for him.

I came home at about 11:30 to walk Chelsea and prepare a meal for us. Usually the meals are very good. I am sure these were too. They always have an entree and an alternate, the alternate being the leftovers from the day before. However, yesterday the meal was liver and onions, Dick HATES liver and onions so opted for a repeat of Wednesday's Salisbury steak which he does like. Today was a cod dinner and Dick does not like cod either, with liver and onions as the alternate it seemed logical for me to bring something. So I had some Braciole de Manza, a venison rollup and colcannon which I put in the new dishes that I had bought at Cooks Corner to bring meals in. I also brought him some nice fresh picked cherry tomatoes. We had lunch together in his room.

I brought Chelsea to see him this afternoon too. She is not exactly a cuddly dog and just runs around the room panting but I think it is still good for both of them.

I went and worked at Rhine for about an hour and a half but they said I could leave because I wanted to stop at the Care Center before too late to discuss something with Dick. Bobbie came down too and we had a good visit. Guess that's all for now.

Maybe tomorrow I will remember earlier.



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