Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chelsea got me up at 2AM this morning. She had a bit of a tummy problem. I am just glad that she does wake me, otherwise we would have messes and that would not be good. I went back to bed and slept, not to soundly, but did sleep until 6AM.

I had to do some driveway scraping and shoveling of sidewalks today. There was just enough snow that I did not want to leave it in case it melted and froze but not enough for our plow people to come and do it.

I had an appointment with our accountant, Mark Miller, to get our taxes started. He thinks from first glance that we should be OK. All we try to do is break even. We are still in the state of trying to figure that out and this year, I will have to start drawing on my IRA.

Then I stopped at the clinic to pick up some more tubabrip for Dick and at Hallmark to buy greeting cards. Eileen checked me out and showed me how to tell how many points I have with Hallmark. I had $18 in credit to use on my cards. Pretty good. I get most of my points from the ornaments that I buy at Christmas.

Home again, I cooked up some Jambalaya Rice with sausage for our Fat Tuesday dinner. Hard to believe that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday already.

I had a very long nap this afternoon, I think that getting up in the middle of the night wears me out. But I wouldn't have it any other way as long as our Chelsea is with us. And every once in a while she does sleep through the night. (Of course, then I wake up at about 5AM and wonder if she is still with us.)

Tomorrow is shopping day and Ash Wednesday service in the evening. Must remember to fast and not eat meat.


God Love You


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