Monday, February 15, 2010

A busy ME day. To start with, Chelsea got me up at 2AM and then again at 5AM. I went back to bed both times and it was after 7 when I finally woke up for good. I did all my morning things and then left for Bible Study at about 9AM. There were only four of us there this morning. Winters often end up this way. It was a lively discussion, not always on the track of the reading but beneficial. We decided that we really need our friend Joe to keep us on track.

Then over to Mother's to take her pills to her and to have our weekly visit. She shared a folder that she had found in her cedar chest of things relating to Dad. They were certificates from completion of several classes that Dad took over the years. Classes that mother had even forgotten. It seems that he was always curious and eager to learn something new. There was even a correspondence course that went back to when I was only about 7 years old. What a guy.

Home again, I fixed Dick and I a dinner of chicken, veggie loaf and broccoli and then dashed off the the Cream City Writers. I picked up Jena and Kate on my way. We had a nice group. Bill Krauter's girlfriend Shirley was finally able to join us. She had been planning on coming for several months but has health problems and just couldn't. She is charming and read the loveliest story of childhood. I showed them my book and sold two and have three others committed for. WOW. Jena, Beverly and I all have poems accepted in the poet's calender. We are so excited. I will let the Plymouth Review know but, of course, cannot give them the poems until after they are printed in the calender.

Then I took Jena home, and went over to Kate's for a cup of tea before coming home again. My neighbor, Freddie, a good friend of Kate's stopped in just after we got to Kate's. She had been on vacation and was checking in and telling Kate about her trip.

Home again, I had some animals and Dick glad to have me home. That is a nice feeling.

Tonight we are watching the first half of the Westminster Dog show. I just love this show. It is rather weird. The first hour was on USA and the last two hours on CNBC. Oh well, I can watch both and the end tomorrow. I still remember the first year that I stumbled on it. The Papillon won and was such a little ham. He knew that he was cool and fit just beautifully in the cup.

So that is the day. Tomorrow, I am taking my tax information to Mark to get that started. I hope that next year it will be simple enought for me to do myself.

Take care and God love you


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