Saturday, February 20, 2010

I had a lovely day. I spent most of it preparing for tomorrow's CWI scone baking meeting and cooking. I measured out the dry ingredients for the scones and made a list of the non dry ingredients to load into the car tomorrow. Then I baked a pie crust and made a strawberry pie for our dessert tonight.

We had our leftovers from Sweet Basel for our noon meal. Then I took a nap. When we were both awake, I helped Dick take his bath and changed the bandage on his right leg.

Chelsea and I went out for several walks today. It was pleasant but she is really getting to be a pest. I am glad we are getting close to March as the weather will continue to improve and it will be less unpleasant as time goes on.

I went to Mass at 4PM. I was Communion Minister which is always a thrill for me. The children's choir was singing tonight. They are always good, but somehow the soloists were not too good tonight. One of them was unintelligible which is a shame because it is distressing for her and for those trying to hear her.

George called tonight. He wanted to tell me that Shawn's wedding invitation had been returned. Apparently, Shawn had been given the wrong city. We will be getting a new one in a week or so. The wedding is in August so no big problem but he wanted me to know. They had to put a doggie down a month or so ago and now have a new one. George said the only problem with the dog is that it is such a loving creature that it's nose is constantly under ones hand wanting to be petted.
Not a bad feature.

So. That was my day. Tomorrow is a scone baking extravaganza. Will be fun.

God love You


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