Thursday, January 08, 2009

A very strange day. There was snow all over the driveway and walk. I scraped the sidewalk and the first couple feet of the driveway near the door. More snow is expected tomorrow and then in a couple of days - another really cold couple of days. They are talking minus zero.

I went over to see Dick at about 9AM. We had a nice morning. I went down to therapy with him this morning and he is working on sliding onto the john. He did pretty good for the first time. He got on to it without using the right leg. In other words, just using his arms and behind. Getting off we had to use the board and were not as successful, but it will improve. We have three weeks to get him REALLY good. Then he will be home - Yea!!!!!

I came home at noon for dinner and to rest. For some reason I was very tired. I did get a nice nap right after lunch. Then I vacuumed the two upstairs bedrooms and sewed some of the squares for Dick's lap robe together.

I had supper with Dick tonight. I made a salmon salad and had that with crackers and brie. Dick gave me his sherbet - so I even had dessert.

Now I am home safe and sound with a little Chelsea at my feet and a little Roxie on my lap.

Today I remembered something that I did to poor Waylon when Bart and I were living in our little house on Broadway in Sheboygan Falls. The dining room had a built in china cabinet on one wall with nice deep wide drawers on the bottom. I kept towels and such in those nice deep drawers. One morning as I was heading out the door to work, one of the drawers was open so I pushed it shut as I ran out the door. I was alone at the time because Bart was in California visiting his brother and father.

When I cam home that night, I let Zero out and fed him and then realized that Waylon had not shown up for attention, very unlike him. So I started calling. Then I started hearing the faintest little mews coming from somewhere. I finally figured out that it was from that drawer that I had shut that morning. I opened it and a very grateful pumpkin colored kitty BURST from the drawer. He jumped on me and hugged me around the neck then FLEW downstairs to his littler box. Poor thing. He never figured out that I did it to him. He just loved me even the more because I saved him.



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