Monday, January 05, 2009

The ice is still hanging on to some of the side streets and parts of Tallgrass Lane, though our driveway is now dry and the main roads are pretty much clear too.

My Chelsea still makes a pretty good gauge as to where the ice is. She slip slides around pretty good.

There were just three persons, Peggy, Joe and me at the bible study this morning but numbers do not make it any less interesting and enjoyable. We heard in the tree readings that thought the Israelites are the promised people, God always intended that they be the voice to the rest of the nations. A lot of Trinity symbolism too. I am glad that I went.

Mother and I had a nice visit after that. I brought her some scalloped potatoes and ham, some bread and a piece of cake. She likes that, I think. Donna and I like to have her to bring things too. With only two people in each of our households, we are able to cook things like casseroles this way. I asked how she liked the stollen - it is her recipe - she said it tasted good but suggested that I roll the dough much thinner when I make it again. I will do that. That is probably why it was so hard to roll up.

I had dinner at noon with Dick at the Care Center. They served pork chops, potatoes, green beans and Lamont's birthday cake for dessert. Then at about 2, I came home to do a bit of research before going shopping and to look at a couple of more cars.

When I got home, I fed the critters, then back over to the Center with a sandwich so I could have supper with Dick too. I helped him with the things that I do for him. Mainly massaging the stump so he will be ready for the prosthesis when it comes and then, finally, the last thing, I went out to Rhine Plymouth for the meeting. It was well attended and the new officers and board are installed. I am not one of them. It was good to see everybody again. The new league will start on January 16 so I have to let Nancy know and will mention it in my CWI newsletter thingy.

Kitties are very cuddly lately. I love that. Chelsea is not a cuddly dog you know. It is so nice to have a warm little body in ones lap purring away.

Tomorrow we see Dr. Moreno and he will remove the dressing on the graft. This will be the test. If it is healing, we have it made (as long as we are careful.) Then the trick will be to ensure that wounds don't start up again.

I was thinking today of a time that Eileen and I went to Irishfest together. We used to go for the whole event. I couldn't do that now. Not enough endurance left in my poor body. But we were walking in back of the Miller Stage, heading for the bathrooms when I saw this man walking towards us. I called out. "Well, Hello, Dwayne Gaye." Then I realized that he had no idea who I was. He was a reporter on the Channel 12 morning news that I saw every morning, so he was part of my "friendship" group. I started to laugh and told him that he had no idea who I was but that I woke up to him every morning. He was delighted, I think. Not too long after that, Dwayne came down with cancer and after a battle of several years succumed to that cancer. I hope that recognition was something that really did please him. All people like to be acknowledged and he became acknowledged for both his reporting and his courage in the face of his illness.



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