Saturday, January 03, 2015

Home all day.    I got a lot done too.   

There was snow on the ground when we got up this morning.    Not enough to plow the streets, but our plower salted so I didn't take Nicky for too long a walk as I stuck to the grassy areas.   He has had a teeny sore on his right front paw that I am trying to get healed.

He has not eaten today.   I just don't understand him.  He gobbled everything down last evening that I had put out in the morning so I am hoping for that today.    I just wish I knew what he likes.

I worked on my new sewing project and on the plans for the 2015 CWI Gathering.  

I left for Mass at 3:15 as I was the scheduled lector AND was singing in the choir.    I wanted to let Fr. Dan know that I would come to walk in with him and the servers after the choir sang the prelude.   That does work out just fine, and one can easily do the lector duties from the choir loft (not really a loft anymore, but I don't know what to call it.)  

So after we sang our prelude, I walked back to join Father and he says that he has the flu and wants me to serve communion too.   I kind of panicked and told him that I was in the choir too.   He just said, come over when it is time.   So.   I did all of my ministries in one mass.   Too exhausting.   One of my choir members asked if I was going to say the Mass next week.   I think I was insulted.   She said that if I was she wasn't coming.   Pray for Fr. Dan, he is a sick puppy.

Another day at home tomorrow.  It is supposed to be a sleety snowy or rainy night tonight.   What they are describing is not good so I will be glad to be home.   Hope Mr. Nick and I can go for a real walk tomorrow.    

Richard and Brenda sent Nicky some toys to play with.    He doesn't seem to know HOW to play, but I will be trying to teach him.   We have been together for a week now.   He is a sweet little doggy.   I am so pleased that the timing was good for us.

Dia dhuit


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