Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Only two more days til we sign on the condo. I packed the pans and trays and things on the shelves in the laundry room today. That was my three boxes.

Dick had an appointment with Dr. Hodous for his feet today. Things are looking pretty good there. He will be checked in a month now. The sores are healing quite well and he trimmed the callouses some more today. We also did a bit of shopping and dropped things off at St. Vinnie's.

It was a hard afternoon for me. I think I am tired and a bit overwhelmed. Took care of the insurance this morning and made several phone calls for church and the Celtic Faire.

Tomorrow, we will have a walk through on the house. We need to find out if we want to clean the carpets or not. If we do we want it done BEFORE we move in, not after the fact when furniture needs to be moved and all. I will also have to send a notice to the Beliefs editor at the Press regarding the Fair AND I want to harvest the Marigold blossoms to freeze for wine. If I don't get them, I will lose out. Frankly, I don't know what I will do next year as Marigold is my best wine.

I cleaned the upstairs refrigerator today too. I REALLY scrubbed it. I will get the freezer section later, but I wanted to check everything and then bring up what little we have in the basement refrigerator. I will have to clean that throroughly before we move too. Can't leave a mess, you know.

I fixed some teriaki chicken and from scratch fried rice for supper tonight. It sure was good and I fixed enough for tomorrow too. We will be eating out and on the run for the next couple of days, so I wanted something really good and something easy for tomorrow because we will be loading up the Santa Fe in the evening.

I believe that things will work out for the best. It seems that the condos are right and the other pieces will fit. I must trust that everything will be OK.

Did I tell everyone that you can take a virtual tour of the place at billcain.com. Just go there and then under his listings. Look for 725 Tallgrass under the condos and click on virtual tour.

Have a great day



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