Monday, August 28, 2006

Bible Study this morning. It was quite a stimulating conversation. We discussed Deuteronomy where Moses told his people that they were not to add to or detract from the commandments. What is interpretation however? Is there ever ANY justification for fudging. Should you tell a person who is really ill that they look like hell? Do we have the right to kill someone in defense of our own life or the life of someone we love? We didn't resolve that but I don't think we have to.
We learned in the letter from James that we are responsible for the weak and defensless of this world.

Anyway. Dick and I between us got five boxes packed. We have an appointment to do a walk through on the condo onWednesday at 9:00AM and the names of a possible moving company and two carpet cleaners, one from Michelle and one from someone in Kiel from Tom Cain. We will order that on Wednesday, when we know if we need one or two places cleaned.

Tonight was the Environment Committee meeting at church and we firmed up Celtic Faire and they did some future planning. I don't care about anything beyond Celtic Faire because I will be gone by then.

That was ENOUGH for today.

I will post a picture from my files to brighten your day. It is a picture of the rose window at the national cathedaral in Washington D. C. and a picture of the Cathedral itself which I took through the arch leading to it and published just like this in a sepia in my book.


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