Wednesday, August 07, 2019

When I got home from my Writer's Club meeting, I was too tired to post.    A good meeting, with several good readings, but they spend a lot of time just chattering and I would, frankly, like to get on with the readings.    Just me.   I guess.    But I love the people and they are talented and helpful to my writings.    I feel encouraged to dive back into my new book.

Nicky is doing pretty well.   He ate both of his meals today, very enthusiastically.    Of course, he is a picky guy and I have to keep tempting him.   I am wondering if he is playing me:)

I saw Dr. Toy, my chiropractor, today.   He put me back together again.   I go once a month to get adjusted now.    It helps.     He calls me his Wild Irish Rose.

Then I went to Bible Study.    We are studying Isaiah now and it is interesting.    We are a good support group, praying for each other and the causes we bring to the study.    Know that if you are ill, you are probably being prayed for:)

Obviously, I know the smile symbol.   I know the sad one too but don't like to use it.

Dia Dhuit


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