Monday, October 05, 2015

      A beautiful day.    I had bible study this morning.   We had a new person,  Helen Maurer brought an old friend. Ceil Lorenz to the study.    She has macular degeneration so doesn't see very well, but it is a good thing for her to get out and be with a group like us.   I seem to have packed my study books.

While I was gone, I left Nicky with my neighbors, Bob and Peggy as Alison had a couple who wanted to see the house.   When I came home they were still there so I stayed a little while at the Hurries.   When I get home after there were visitors, Nicky always comes in barking and checks out the house.

These people did not think my grout was clean enough in the kitchen so I bleached it today.   Three cupboard doors were squeaking so my neighbor Dave came and oiled the hinges for me.

The viewers are all told that the carpeting is old but all act surprised when they come in.

Tonight I had dinner with Kate.   Haven't seen her in so long, we had a great visit.

Doctor appointment tomorrow.  Dia Dhuit


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