Monday, November 09, 2020

Great Quilt Guild Program

Just got home from Quilt Guild.   We had a ZOOM presentation from a wonderful quilt designer, instructor and just nice person called Karen Combs.    She has done a series of Celtic Designs.   The book is out of print but it is available on an ebook something or other.    I will try to figure it out as I have kind of (in this post cancer/chemo) become a bit lethargic as to my quilting.   This has me interested.   So I WILL follow up.

I was home the most of the day except for a couple of errands earlier this morning.   Worked on clearing my desk.   I can't figure out, since I am retired, how things pile up, but they do.    It was in the low 70s today and sunny, but we had a brisk breeze which kept things quite comfortable.  

I called Dean, who will be clearing my back yard from the ice storm damage and salvaging my trees, and he will be here either the end of this week, or early next.    I just wanted to be sure that I was still on his radar.    The city still has not picked up the limbs and trees that are lining the streets.     One of my neighbors said that she called and they are out of funds and trying to figure out what to do.   Sounds ominous.

Busy tomorrow.   Mainly at home, but I will have to go to the store.

Stay well and safe

Dia Dhuit


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