Thursday, September 24, 2020

Writer's Club was Great

 The day was long and uncomfortable for me.   I DID get a lot of stuff done.   My desk is clean if nothing else.

Tonight was great.    Writer's Club.    Just Marti, Karlos and I were there.   But we all read and I do believe we are getting better all the time.     The meetings encourage us to write things so we have something for the next time.     The more one does, the better one gets.      I was pleased with the critiques on my poem and saint story of St. Petroc.

I am almost done editing the Celtic saints book, then will start submitting it to editors and publishing houses.  I have a poem that I think is ready too.    If it is accepted anywhere, I will let you know.

We are supposed to get hotter over the weekend, and I still have no air.  I may have to spend time at Bart and Barb's.     I am happy to have somewhere that I am welcome, but we all know that home is best.    Vita will be so confused.

Be well.

Dia dhuit





My Dog

I would be so alone

Without her sweetness in the house

With me

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