Saturday, September 26, 2020

Hotter today

 And still not air conditioning.    I have been able to keep the temperatures in the house tolerable, as it does cool down in the night and I keep the ceiling fans on which keeps the air moving and cools things a bit.

I did make a quick trip to Walmart to pick up an item I needed to finish a project that I can work on tomorrow

Then this evening I went to mass.   Fr. Phil was gone.  The priest who subbed was very nice.   I miss Fr. Phil but it is nice to have a sermon from other people sometimes.   Fr. Phil sometimes has the deacon's give the sermon, that is nice too.   A bit of variety.

A really quiet day tomorrow, glad I have a project.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit



As we walk at dawn

I wish I could ride that cloud

To eternity

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