Saturday, December 12, 2020

Hi There

 A clear day, sunny but chilly/    I was grateful for it as they are actually predicting a rain/snow mix with possibility of accumulation.     I thought I was in Oklahoma:)    Well, time will tell.   At least I am blessed with a warm comfortable home and plenty of food and am not sick.

Tomorrow I get to stay home all day anyway as I went to Mass tonight.    I told one of the deacons that I feel totally holy this week.    I have never attended mass more times than I did this week, since I was in the convent 64 years ago when went every day:)

I almost have my packages ready to mail.    Will take them on Monday.

Then Christmas cards.  I have sent some but have more to go.

Hope you are also all well and in warm and comfortable homes with plenty of food.

Dia Dhuit


She greets me with such joy

Even if I have only 

Left her for a minute

My special doggy friend.

She if full of unlimited love

So glad that she loves me

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