Monday, December 14, 2020

Too Busy today

But that is OK because I don't have to go anywhere  tomorrow.    Hallelulia

Today, I mailed all the gifts for out of state.   The post office news was saying they can't guarantee anything after the 15th.   But they told me at the post office that things would be there by next Monday.    Go figure.

Than this afternoon, I saw Dr. Toy.    Good thing, I was all out of adjustment and my back and legs were hurting.

Tonight was Quilt Guild.    We had a box supper together, showing of Bullseye Quilts and other things (I shared my Button  Christmas Stocking.)   and exchanged Dirty Santa Gifts.    I brought something for
Barbara too as she wasn't able to come.   So I have a gift to take over to her.

As I say, I can stay home ALL day tomorrow.

Vita will be a happy girl.

Dia Dhuit



A star and angels

Announced the birth.

Wise Men and shepherds

Came, saw and believed.

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