Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Quiet Sunday

 But a nice Sunday.   Bart and Barb came by to visit me this morning so I had company, which is always welcome.   Bart and Barb are so good to me and are helping me get my phone and system cooperating.

I did several things today, such as working on my speech for IBAM which is coming up.   It is going to virtual this year and I am one of Maureen's speakers.   She is going to help me.   Tomorrow I am going to take pictures to forward to her for a power point.   She is so talented.

I will be probably confined to home because of weather the next three days.   We are supposed to be experiencing icy rain and slippery roads.    I will probably suggest to my Kerry, who cleans my house, that she not endanger herself.

I am going to start a course from Great Courses on the Celts.   That will give me an incentive to do SOMETHING.

Hope you are all well.   I miss you.

Dia Dhuit


My dog

My companion

I would be so alone

Without her sweetness in my home

With me.

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