Monday, October 19, 2020

Dr. Toy got my spine back in place again.

 He gave me a few hints as to how to help ease the pain when my hips and back start hurting in the night.    I will try them.    Hope I won't have to for a day or two anyway.

Had my mammogram today.    They are far less uncomfortable than the last time I had one.   She didn't see anything so I am feeling good about it.

Worked on a Quilt Guild project about the COVID19.    Just need a label so I feel good about that.

Yea  - a feel good day:)    Hope you all had the same.

Dia Dhuit


A friend sent me a bunch of timely quotes    - thought I would share one, hopefully to make you smile.

You know when you buy a bag of salad and it gets all brown and soggy?   Cookies don't do that.

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