Friday, November 06, 2020

Our warm weather is continuing

 It really is nice, but I may have to water the front lawn and get it mowed again.

Vita is really pushy about her walks.   I know I get a dog to "walk me" but REALLY!

Did four loads of wash today.   Then I had a doctor appointment.    Dr. Aiku says I am doing very well.    We are going to schedule one test to see if my esophagus has to be tended to but my vitals are great and I have not lost any more weight.   Haven't gained any either but I am maintaining.  Yea.

I am working on a virtual talk that I will be giving at IBAM in December.    Having trouble remembering how to load stuff on the computer and then move it on.   Also still don't know how to forward pictures from my phone.   

Oh well.   There is time and I am stubborn if nothing else.

Hope you are all well and happy.

Dia Dhuit


Bless the day and night

Let then achieve their purposes

Of activity and rest.

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