Saturday, February 06, 2010

Not the greatest day. It started out OK. Chelsea woke me up at 2:30AM the first time. Keep this in mind as the blog progresses. As we wound around the corner, I slipped on some ice and fell on my duff. I seemed to fall pretty well and only had discomfort in my arm as I caught myself. I thought I did pretty well.

I told Dick what happened (he was up at that time) and went back to bed, sleeping until 6:30AM. A good sleep for me as It was in bed by 9:30PM the night before.

Everything was OK, it seemed. I did all my morning things. Read for an hour or so, bathed Dick and completed a couple of computer projects. Then we had our lunch. I warmed up the tuna casserole with fresh carrots and salad.

A nap seemed in order so at 12:30, I laid down with Roxie, of course, and slept for about an hour. When I woke up, my left knee was hurting. I figured that I had slept wrong, so I staggered downstairs to do some quilting cutting and tried to work it out.

The only good thing I can see about this is that I can see how long I could actually sleep in the morning if I don't have to get up for Chelsea.

God love you all and I am asking for prayers for me. Let me heal quickly so that I can take care of everybody.



It did not work out but kept getting worse. I got all dressed for church but decided that I, perhaps should go to the Urgent Care at the Plymouth Aurora. I have a problem. There is fluid on the knee. The Xrays are not showing anything and as a matter of fact the doctor said that my knees look pretty healthy. I have to keep my leg up, ice it and if it is not better by Wednesday, see Dr. Murthy for an MRI. I don't think I want any more surgery. A lot of good that did the last time. Actually, at least I can walk the pain off on that.

SO I am confined for a few days. We called Bobbie and Bill and they have kindly come and picked up our girl until I can take her out again. What would we do without them?

I have canceled my Bible Study and my Cream City Writers meetings. Better get this healed as if Mama is out of commission we are in deep doo doo.

Please pray for us. I am scared but at least I am reasonably sure that I don't have a blood clot. ( I always think of worst case scenarios.)

1 comment:

MommaMeg said...

Our prayers are coming at you, as fast as we can pray them. I know how knees can turn on you! We love you...

Leslie & Bill