Friday, February 05, 2010

I am SO tired tonight. Not just sleepy but tired in the soul. This too shall pass.

I slept a little late this morning, which did not make Roxie too happy. She does like her schedule. I mentioned to Bobbie yesterday that Roxie is a perfect Miss Piggy. She is totally convinced of her beauty and her attitude is Moi, Moi, Moi. She is also a bit tubby like Miss Piggy. Then a revelation came to me the if she is Miss Piggy, then Dick is her Kermit. She does adore him above all.

This was an at home day except for going to shoot pistol at Rhine tonight with Nancy. I picked her up this week. We do have fun. It is a nice break in the week and we do enjoy our shooting. This week I was a little better. The first one was not good at all but the next two I was able to correct a bit. Nancy had a difficult third target. So we struggle but keep working at it.

The rest of the day, I spent working on several projects that are in the works. I am ready to call to get our taxes done now and I called Mary Pat Kelly to confirm her speaking date.

We are finishing up leftovers before I start cooking again. We have tuna casserole and quiche left. As my brother in law George used to say after a good meal. "I wonder what the rich people are eating tonight."

Enjoy your weekend and go into the new week with hope and purpose.

God love you


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