Sunday, October 21, 2012

I like Sundays.   Since I go to Mass on Saturday, it is truly a day of rest.    It often is the one day of the week that I can stay in bed late and I did.    I did not get up until almost 9AM this morning.   Of course, this does not count getting up to feed the cat at 6AM.  She was a real pest about it too.  

Lately we have to watch where we put glasses of ice water.   Along with discovering the "good water" in the shower stall, Roxie has discovered that ice water in a glass is a real treat.   If a glass is left unattended within reach of her tongue, we suddenly hear noises of drinking and she will drink until her little tongue won't go any more.

Because it was so late when we got up and organized, we had a fancy brunch at about 1AM.   I fried some bacon, there was sausage already cooked.  I made potato pancakes and eggs and I had a piece of Racine Kringle to add to the plate.   Pretty fancy.  Right?

I have had the pleasure of reconnecting with some old neighbors from Orchid Street in Santa Ana Heights in the past two days.    Joyce and I were SO close when her son, Chip and my Bret were born the same year.    I have communicated with Joyce and am so pleased that she seems to have the same affection as I do.   I also am in touch with her older son Mark who was and obviously is a wonderful boy.  (I don't especially care if he is 50.  he is a boy to me.)

Tonight I drove to Meadow View to visit Mother.   She looks wonderful and is "way" ready to come home.   She is now walking by herself to meals and can get up in the night without calling for help if she needs to.   I see no reason why she should not be home.   Of course, she could fall, but she could fall there too and at home she will be happier.   Jeff will be working on this during the week.

Home again, Dick is all settled for the night and I am just writing this while sipping a glass of wine.

Hope you had a nice weekend too.    Tomorrow we will be home all day as Bobbie and Bill are in Virginia on vacation visiting relatives of Bill.   Hope the weather is OK for them.   That is the only thing that could be a problem for them.  

Dia Dhuit


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