Saturday, October 27, 2012

I had so much trouble getting to sleep last night.   Then Miss Roxie started pestering me at 5AM.   I wish she would learn to look at the clock.  I got one with really big numbers for Dick to see as his eyes are not as good anymore.    She could look if she wants too.    I fed her at 6AM, helped Dick and then went back to bed until 8:30.  

We ate breakfast right away.   It was a lost day.   I got some wash done and made a super dinner, Peppers, onion, tomatoes and Italian sausage stewed "forever" with fresh oregano added about 10 minutes before serving.    Serve over spaghetti.    1 sausage and the sauce over the spaghetti.

It was really good.   Dick asked for more for supper.

I tried to take a nap after lunch but that did not work well.  I had trouble sleeping.

So.  I finally got up

Heather came to take care of Dick at 3:30PM and I took off for Mass.   That was great.   I was Eucharistic Minister which always makes me happy.   Then I stopped at Kate's on the way home to pick up something and to drop off a jar of my green tomato jam.    I thought she and Ron might enjoy that.

Home again.   We have had our dinner and both of us are like limp rags so I hope he will want to go to bed early.  I sure would like to.   Tomorrow I have to make the cocannon and gather up the things I need for the Samhain dinner.  We are gathering at 4PM and I want to get there at 3:30PM to help set things up.   I hope we have a good turnout or at least a happy trunout.   I have not gotten a lot of response.

Oh Well.   What Is, Is.  

So.  the sun shone today and it was rather beautiful.   A bit chilly but with no wind it was easy to take.

Again, I am glad we are not living in the northeast where Sandy is dut to land and join up with the cold front that passed over us yesterday.   Could be a real mess out there.

Until tomorrow

Dia Dhuit

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