Saturday, October 20, 2012

A lovely Saturday.    I had to get up a bit earlier than I had hoped but still got to be in bed until 7:30AM.    I treasure every hour.

The day was busy with a lot of things, I couldn't give you a rundown, but it was a lot of emails, some phone calls, sending some poems to a contest and that kind of thing.

I called Bret. His friend, Lance is not responding and all his friends are gathering to say goodbye.   I could hear the sadness in his voice.     I tried to reassure him that whatever happens is for the best.   Lance's wife game a DNR because she knew that he would not want to live as a vegetable.   Pray for his easy ride into eternity if that is what is to be or else, that all the prayers bring a miracle, which is always within the power of our God. Please pray for Lance, his family and friends.

I have decided that I must get back to writing.   I have the bones of a book I want to do on the patron saints of the Celtic Nations.   This morning, I chose Galatia as my first section to get serious about.   The patron saint of Galatia is St. John The Greater.   This weekend's Gospel is the story of James and his brother John asking Jesus to be seated at the right and the left of him  Mark:10:35-46.  Somehow that is weird and I think a sign that I need to do this project.    I have been getting these signs lately.   I think perhaps they are my relief from the daily grind.  God's giving me signs.   I have always said that when I don't know what to do, I travel as far as I can see and then another vista is revealed.
I left for Mass at 3:30PM.    It was a lovely Mass and I feel renewed.   I stayed a bit to visit with my friend Kate.  She called me this afternoon to tell me that her daughter, Dawn, called.  Dawn has an Immune Deficiency disease and is in a lot of pain.   Please pray for Dawn.

Dick and I are having a nice quiet evening together.  We had a bean tostada for our supper.   Really good.  I had not fixed Mexican for quite some time.

Dia Dhuit


I received this as a part of a bigger email stating the differences between men and women.   I  have seen it before, but this time, this particular paragraph really tickled my funny bone.  Hope you like it as much as I do.

· Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
· A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

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