Saturday, July 28, 2012

I do like Saturdays.    Nobody comes in the mornings and I can usually go back to bed after I feed Roxie.

This morning was like that.   We slept pretty well through the night. Roxie pestered me a bit from 5AM on but after I fed her she was OK - at least after she saw that I was not getting back up right away.   I finally got up at about 8AM.   I might have stayed in some more but Dick was waking up.   It is best that he has a meal before the morning is spent anyway.

We had a quiet morning.  We had spam and scrambled eggs and potatoes for breakfast.   This afternoon, I baked some lavender cookies and also a wonderful cream cheese and fresh lemon thyme spread.  This was after I napped.    So.  It has been a quiet and gentle day.    I need about a week of them.

Kay arrived at 3:30PM to be with Dick so that I could go to Mass.   It was a nice mass.  I was able to introduce myself to our new pastor, Fr. Dan, today.    He is usually surrounded before mass or running to get to St. Thomas in Elkhart Lake after mass.  But today he was there and  my friend Rosemary Mugan and I introduced ourselves.    I know he won't be able to remember all the names but at least when I go up to help minister the Eucharist, he will know that I am familiar.  

Home again, we had dinner and now are going to go to bed early again, I hope.   It all kind of depends on Dick, of course, as I have to cath him and get him in bed.   But he seems eager to be there soon too.

Nora and Leif are in Wisconsin.   I thought I might hear from Nora today.   They are going to come over for an hour or two either tomorrow or on Friday.  I hope it works out.  We are home both afternoons so it is all OK with us.    I haven't heard from them yet but I am excited.

So time to wind down and go to bed.  

"Remember the tea kettle-it is always up to its neck in hot water, yet it still sings."  Unknown

Dia Dhuit


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