Sunday, February 19, 2012

This was a rather lovely Sunday.   I slept until almost 8AM after getting up to feed the Roxie at 6AM. 

It was a quiet morning.  I did a couple of loads of wash, worked on several projects for CWI and just sort of puttered around on other things to get the house in order.  

I went to Mass at 2PM this afternoon as they had needed Eucharistic Ministers for that Mass.   I am always glad to be a communion distributor and especially at such a special event.   Fr. Van Beck celebrated the mass and confirmed the young people.   There were 72 young men and women being confirmed.   Quite spectacular.  It is always SO nice to see so many beautiful, handsome, healthy and good children all gathered together. 

I got home at about 4PM.   Just in time to give Dick his canapes for the afternoon.

Then I finished the wash, worked some more on the newsletter for our Sheboygan CWI group and fixed our dinner.    Lasagna Soup.   That goes back to Jim.   My lasagna is usually very soupy the first day so it is known as my famous lasagna soup.    It tastes great so I won't change the recipe.

Dick has gone to bed now and I am close behind him.   Tomorrow is a very busy day for me and Dick has a doctor appointment in the afternoon.  Pray for us, especially him.   He is so weary and I am worried about him.

So until tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


       I am sending this one out because so many do not
                   know this truth...
                   *And also because she was on 3 times this week
                   talking about her new book...
                   *And how good she feels in her 70's... She still
                   does not know what she did wrong..her book just
                   may not make the best list if more people knew...
                   Barbara Walters said: Thank you all.
                   Many died in Vietnam for our freedoms.
                   Then She said "I did not like Jane Fonda then and
                   I don't like her now."
                   She can lead her present life the way she wants
                   and perhaps SHE can forget the past, but we DO
                   NOT have to stand by without comment and see her
                   "honored" as a "Woman of the Century."
                   (I remember this well)
                   NEVER FORGIVE A TRAITOR.
                   SHE REALLY WAS A TRAITOR!!

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