Sunday, June 12, 2011

What a day.   Dick started off with no temperature and has faded all day long.   He is having great difficulty getting in and out of the wheelchair for bed or bathroom.

I offered several times to take him to the emergency ward, just to remind him that the option is there, but he wants to wait until tomorrow when we see Dr. Sharon and after we have the appointment with Dr. Moreno.  I am making a list of questions for the doctor.    I think that it would help if I could get someone in here each day to dress his wounds and see that he is cleaned up.   Mom had that after Dad's stroke and it made all the difference in the world. 

Tonight we are going to watch the Tony Awards.   Always a special night for Dick and me as we try to keep up on Broadway.   I probably will go to bed as soon as I give Dick his soup as I want to get as much sleep as I can between helping Dick get in and out of bed and all.

So I am closing down for tonight.   I am also trying to figure out who could stay with Dick when I go (I hope ) to 52 Stafford, June 15th at 7PM for our  CWI Bloomsday Evening.

Pray that I can keep my cool and THINK.

God love you all


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