Saturday, April 23, 2011

I stayed in the neighborhood all day today. 

I spent the morning working on my Bridget wall hanging.  It is really coming together.   Good thing because I have to be finished with it by Thursday.   I am really getting excited about it.

At 10:30AM, I went over to Dick's house to help Alison and her "crew" empty and clean the house.   Salem UCC is having a rummage sale on Saturday and much of Dick's things will be sold there.   Some clothes are going to Rocky Knoll, some things will be going to Haiti, some things to St. Vinnies and some to Salem Green.

Then we swept the basement and vacuumed the bedrooms before I had to leave.  Alison and her friend finished the kitchen and living room after I left.   Alison ordered pizza and we had wine, from Lee, and soft drinks, coffee and cookies to go with it.   Nice people from the church.

I have a little story for you.   I told you that Lee, Dick's son and his fiance Lindsay, took Katrina, Dick's dog.  They got a carrier for her that would fit under the seat in the airplane and everything started off pretty well.   The put it under the seat so that they could lean down and talk to her through the mesh.    Well,   after a bit, they heard something of a commotion some rows in back of them.   The heard phrases like  "Oh, isn't she cute!"   They wondered what it was and after a bit looked back and there was Katrina.   She had managed to unzip the carrier with her teeth and nose and went off to meet friends.    They got her back easily enough, of course.   She would be glad to come back to therm.   Then the stewardess came and very sternly said that Katrina had to stay in her carrier.   Lee suggested that they tell Katrina.

Pretty ingenious.   Guss what happened to Roxie tonight.  I got the small ladder out of  the closet in the hall leading to the garage to replace the Bridget Cross.   Then I put it back and shut the door.   Some time later I heard a cat mewing and couldn't find Roxie,  I finally narrowed it down to that closet.   Sure enough, she had wandered in when I was busy and I didn't see her.   She is just like Waylon was when I shut him in the door, though.   She thinks I rescued her.    So she still loves me.

God love you all

By the way,  I keep forgetting to put the website of my Irish Caterer, Lynne.   Here it is.


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