Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday come and almost gone.   The wind was hard and steady tonight but we had sun a good chunk of the day which took away the chill.  Now they are telling us we may get snow tonight.    The old saying says that one should not plant before Memorial day because there is danger of frost til then.   That was true in California too believe it or not.

Dick got his bath today and all changed on bandages.  We had ham, colcannon and orange pineapple salad for lunch.  All really good.  I got a Cook ham.   They are usually dependable.

At 3PM, I drove over to Suchon Funeral Home to give my sympathies to Dick Kastburg's family.   I have now met all of his children and his brother.    They are such lovely people.   Lee and his sister will be here for a couple of more days to start going through things.   So I will take Dick's mail over and visit a bit more tomorrow.   Lee is going to take Katrina with him.   He loves her and she means everything to him because of his father and he knows her little excitement problem.   I know that she will be loved and cared for until her end.  I was so glad to be able to tell them how peaceful the house was and how I am sure that their mother was there to lead Dick to heaven.

We had leftovers for supper.  I don't want a lot of food around as I am supposed to be having my colonocopy on Tuesday.   They have not called me to schedule a time yet.  I realized that late on Friday after it was too late to talk to anybody so I am not really sure, but I have to start my prep in the morning anyway.  I will call first thing in the morning and then see if Kate is still willing to take me and bring me back, otherwise, I am going to be searching for a driver, at least for a ride home.  I can drive myself there but will not be able to drive for 12 hours after the procedure.  What a bummer.  

At least I am fairly busy until I start all the pills and stuff for the prep.   Then I won't care as I will have to stay close to the bathroom.

Bible Study,  a visit with Mother and Cream City Writers.  That is tomorrow's schedule.

Hope you have a good week.  I will post before I get too goofy tomorrow and my may get a really strange message on Tuesday.

God love you all


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