Thursday, April 21, 2011

I slept very well last night.   The blankety blank snow was still on the ground and all over when I woke up and shows not sign of leaving.   Is this not a good thing as far as I can see.   It is April after all and almost the END of April.

I can't believe that this Sunday is Easter already.   Bobbie is cooking the Easter Dinner.   She said she will make Chicky Roll.   (Leslie and Jim must have their mouths watering now.) It is something their mother made that is really good.   Nothing to do with chicken however.    I can be the Easter Bunny.

Today, I kept myself busy most of the morning and have a very clean desk.   Then at about 10:30AM I went grocery shopping.   I forgot my cloth bags so had to be non Green.   However, I was in need of a few paper bags as I use them for papers and magazines and ended up getting four so I am a bit stocked for a while.   Fresh asparagus was on sale, so I got some of that too.   Nancy was shopping too, so I was able to thank her again for yesterday and tell her that I am doing well.

I still have a bit of a sore throat but that will pass.   I am gargelling morning and evening and it will go away.

Bart called this afternoon for Jim and Michelle's phone number.   The one we both have is disconnected.  I hope I didn't miss any email telling me of a change.   So I gave him the cell phone that I have.   Jim and Michelle,  if we are confused let us know and Bart and Barb would like you to have Easter with them if you can.

When I got home from shopping Dick was sleeping - I let him sleep because he has so much trouble.  I ate lunch and tried to take a nap.  I got about 30 minutes in when the phone rang.  It was Archbishop Liscecki  thanking me for my contributions and wishing me a Happy Easter.    A nice touch.   Of course, I had to say Hello twice to start the recording.  But it is a nice touch.


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