Friday, April 22, 2011

This was a very strange day.   It was cloudy and cool and tonight it even rained.  It was raining pretty well when I  drove out to Rhine so that Nancy and I could shoot.   We were grateful that we shoot pistol downstairs in the pistol range rather than trap out in the rain and cold.   We both did pretty well this week.   At least I did MUCH better than last week.

I was busy this morning preparing to fix a new chocolate dessert that I got from my vegetarian caterer in Ireland.   I really need a decent food processor is I intend to do more of these type of recipes. It is very good.   I hope Dick likes it.   The amazing thing is that there is no fat and no processed sugar at all.

 It is Good Friday.    I went to Church at noon and discovered I was a half hour early, but I had plenty of people to visit with and then spent about 15 minutes of the wait finishing my daily prayers.  It was a typical Good Friday service.   First the readings, then the Passion from Matthew, then the devotion to the Cross followed by Holy Communion.    I was a Communion distributor so was able to be an important part of the celebration.

I was home by 2PM and able to rest a bit before going downstairs to work on the Brigid stitchery that I am trying to get done by next Thursday so that I can take it to the Gathering.  Why do I do this to myself?   But Ik have this vision of what I want to do and the Gathering is the place it should be presented.

We had salmon bites from SHARE for supper with tater tots and salad.   They are quite good and I have one more meal of them. 

Tomorrow I will be working on the stitchery and helping Alison get the trash from Dick Kastberg's house ready for Tuesday.   Lee, Dick's son, left us some wine to drink when we finish.   

So you rest well and I will be praying for all of you.  

God loves you


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