Saturday, March 26, 2011

I could not sleep in today because I postponed my haircut from Wednesday, the icky day, until this morning at 8:30AM.  I showered but kept my hair dry somehow or other.  That meant that I could not exercise though, hope that does not make a difference, as tomorrow I am home all day and will sleep all day and just not shower at all.   Remember that, you may not want to visit a stinky house.

Tomorrow, I fully intend to stay in bed until I am too uncomfortable to be there any longer.

I had lunch with my friend Kate at Dee O Malley's this noon.    That was a nice break.   I prepared a bowl of soup and cheese and crackers for Dick's lunch.    I ordered a small pizza with spinach chorizo and etc.  for my lunch at Dee O'Malleys.    We had a great visit. I share the Brigid Flame and well water with her.  We will be going to Galena for the Spring Gathering and rooming together at the end of April.   I need to start getting Dick's care in order.   I will be leaving at about noon on Friday and return on Sunday, probably by 6PM, so it involves two nights, which is OK but it would be good if someone was here at least part of Saturday and Sunday so he is not alone too long.  I always have plenty of meals ready and get him all cleaned up so he is OK until I am home again.

I took a nap when I got home from lunch.   Then it was time to go to Mass.   The folk choir sang tonight but they had the congregation singing along with most of the song s which is very nice.    Fr. Van Beck's sermon was on the Gospel of the Samaritan  Woman at the well.   Father talked about communication,  Especially communication between God and us.   We need to spend more time listening than asking.

Dick and I had leftovers for our dinner and now I am watching a scary movie that I never saw before to ease my way into bedtime.

Tomorrow will be a day at home.  I have several things that I want to do for ME>

Have a good Sunday yourself and God love you


1 comment:

Jim and Michelle said...

A new scary movie???? But which one?? The reading public needs to know! :-)