Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A fine Tuesday except for the weather.   It was rainy and sleety and snowy all day long.

Fortunately, we had to go out only once to take Dick to get his anti coagulation count checked.  Bobbie came to help get him up and down the ramp.   He had to have some antibiotics at the Dentist last week and we always have to check when that happens.   His count was a BIT up but Deb decided to just let it go this time and see him in two weeks to double check. 

We had burritos for lunch today and Bobbie and I had a cupcake for dessert.   The burritos were really good.  I have not make Mexican for quite some time because it is so much and we get overwhelmed.   This worked out quite well.  I was able to send a couple of burritos home with Bobbie and we will have another meal.  

I spent the day organizing the CWI information after the telephone conference.   I still have a couple of small items to complete but am pretty much caught up.

 Now I want to go to bed early and read for a while.

God love you


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