Sunday, March 27, 2011

A quiet Sunday.   The sun was shining and the sky was blue.

Dick slept most of the day and I worked on the computer on my Ancestry program, (inputting the information I have on the Ziegler branch of the family) and sorting one of the baskets of papers in the closet in "Roxie's Room".  That was our old office and there is a lot in there that needs weeding and sorting.

We had our main meal this evening.  I slept close to 9AM.  Dick said that in all of the 24+ years we have been married, I have never slept that long.   I stayed until my back started to ache.   It sure felt good.  

We had a late breakfast of corned beef hash and eggs so a light lunch was in order which made us put our usual noon dinner off til evening.  I fixed a great chicken dish with fresh green beans and potatoes for our supper.

I have enough for another meal and will be able to share with Mother and our neighbor Dick.

So enjoy your evening and I hope your week is comforting.

A Haiku for you

Empty Nest

The house rememberes
Busy days of family
Joy of belonging.

God love you


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