Saturday, February 26, 2011

What a lovely day.    I stayed in bed until after 7 and would have stayed longer but needed to get up to put drops in Dick's eyes and to feed him. 

I spent the morning making Barm Brack for tomorrow's CWI presentation and washing clothes.   I am pretty much caught up on clothes but here is always something.

The next thing that was not just catching up was going early to Mass so that I could pick up some things at Walgreens.   Mass was interesting.  We got the audio part of a video that Archbishop Listecki recorded for the diocese.  Fr. Van Beek, thought that we could imagine the video if we tried and that setting it up in two parishes was too involved.   I kind of disagree.   We are worth the whole shebang.   But what can you do.   I can see it on the internet at the Archdiocese site, if I want to.   I  just may do that.   I am a bit concerned by the donation.   Partly because of the bankruptcy declared by the Archdiocese and partly because I can't see that much of these funds, if they are indeed protected, will get to us, the worshipers in Sheboygan County.  The causes are good, but we have to take care of our close family members first.

Alicia, Mom's morning health aide, called me this morning.   She was concerned that Mother may not be getting her meds in order.   (She got out of the habit when she was in the rehab center.)  So I called Mary Margaret, who is seeing her today and she will take care of it .   Thank God, we have this wonderful family who all love Mother and each other and all chip in when the need is there.

So that was today.   I have everything ready for tomorrow's program.  If any of you would like to share the light of peace and justice that I received in Kildare from the Brigitine nuns, let me know and I will do so.   Tomorrow will be a big day of sharing and Monday also when I share it with the Bible Study.

God love you

Have a nice Sunday.   I hope the snow stops/


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