Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A very fruitful day.  

We got a LOT done. 

I did our grocery shopping this morning and picked up a prescription at Walgreens.   All of that went well.  and I was home by a little after 9AM.

I unwrapped my liverwurst.  I am a bit disappointed.  It does not spread.   It is also a bit bland.   The taste is OK but I have an awful lot of it, so I must share.    I am experimenting with additives to moisten it and spice it up.   So far, Miracle Whip moistens it but does not add enough zip.    Better find something because there is a LOT of it.   There is no way to make a small batch of it.

I got a call from my friend Bee, who was our tour leader in Ireland today.    She received a package that I had sent last week.   All is well with her and she is hoping for accolades from all of us when Tony sets up their tour site.  I told her we would all be delighted to do so and that when Tony does CD's, we all want to know.   He is a super singer and a marvelous storyteller.

I finally figured out how I download new pictures to the disc for the Dynex viewer that Bart and Barb gave me a couple of years ago.   I have a group of Ireland pictures set to just plug in and let do an automatic slide show during our program on Sunday.  If any of you want to come to the program on Sunday, just call me and I will give you the address and details.

Then later this afternoon, Bobbie and Bill came and Bobbie helped me get Dick up and down the ramp for a doctor visit.   We went to see Dr. Sharon for an interview to have him fill out the proper recommendations so that Dick can apply for a power chair.   It is becoming pretty apparent that he will not be able to walk, at least in the foreseeable future as his legs keep developing ulcers even without walking.  Dr. Sharon is more that willing to do his part of the paperwork.   I just hope that this will be acceptable as it would provide a great deal of independence for us.  And Dick needs this.

So what a day.

Tomorrow will also be busy as I am taking the taxes in that the VNA are coming out to change Dick's tubagrip and check his legs.

I am also going to stop at Hobby Lobby and pickup some poster frames for the two posters that I got at the Navan Centre.   They are beautiful.  One of Maeve and one of Cuchulainn as a young man.  In the visitor center there were these beautiful huge serreal posters of many of the legends of ancient Ireland including the two that I got.

So lets close this day and get some sleep.

I am tired and ready for bed.

Bless you and yours.


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