Monday, August 09, 2010

This turned out to be a bit busier a day than I had planned.   Chelsea only woke me up at 4AM.  Pretty good.  She came in again shortly after 6AM when it was time for me to get up anyway.

I left a bit early for bible study because I wanted to drop a couple of things off at Kate and Ron's before I headed to Falls.   I rang the bell but when I got no answer quickly, figured they were still asleep and just left the cooler with the soup and scones and the other things  between the door and the screen.

Then I stopped at Walgreens to get a wedding card for George and Betsy's son Shawn and his wife to be.  I filled it out and enclosed a check when I got to Mother's .  Jeff and Kathy will take it with them to the wedding.  I just couldn't go this time.  There is too much here that is iffy.

Bible study was well attended.  we were only
sing Ione and Helen Maurer.   We are getting closer to the end of Mark and have ordered a study for Psalms to start as soon as we finish the gospel.

Mother and I had a nice visit.  I had to go back in the afternoon.  She was out of her blood pressure medicine and I found out that there was a miscommunication with the insurance company.   By the time they got it straightened out it was close to 3PM so I picked it up then and took it to her.  Chelsea came with me.   Mother enjoys seeing her and Chelsea enjoys the ride.

Chelsea goes immediately through the house now, right into the kitchen.   I don't know if you remember, but when we first got her, she would not enter the kitchen at Mother's.   Mother took care of her one Sunday, and had to put her food next to the fridge right inside the kitchen so Chelsea could get to it without putting foot on the linoleum.

Then, when Bart, Barb and I went to Ireland, Barb and I found a little jacket in the streets of  Cashel.   It was Barbie and Ken size.   I picked it up and told Barbara that I would take it home to Mother.   I did and we put it on a shelf in the kitchen.   The jacket is still around somewhere, but since it was placed in the kitchen, Chelsea has no fear of going in there any more and it was definitely that event that was the change.   You explain.

Have a great Tuesday.  It was HOT today 88 and humid.  I know that some of my readers would disagree with the definition of hot, but it was hot for us.


God love you


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