Sunday, June 20, 2010

Obviously, I did not post last night.   It was a rather dull day anyway.   I just did computer work and made calls for July 17th and went to Mass at 4PM.

Today was a bit more exciting.  Chelsea got me up at 3AM and then again at 5:30AM.  I just stayed up and took her for her walk as it was really too early to be up but too late to go back to bed.   She and Roxie were grateful for their breakfast.   Dick and I had decided to have a toast and yogurt for breakfast and then we had bacon, eggs, toast and hash browns for our noon meal.  I took my nap rather early this morning because I had a busy afternoon ahead.

Chelsea had a pretty bad seizure this morning.   She has been coughing a bit the past two days, but this episode happened without the usual coughing spell. 

After lunch, I packed up my newly adapted 12 gauge shotgun and drove over to Rhine to shoot a round of trap and find out if it is better now.   The guys told me last year that the gun was kicking me too hard and I should get a different one (too expensive if I can avoid it.) or get the shoulder rest and the sights fixed to make it easier.   I gave it to a gunsmith friend of mine, Norb Lichte.   He took MONTHS.   Poor Norb had a heart bypass and some pacemaker trouble in the meantime, but he finally got it done.   He also changed the spring so that I can brake it open and load it without using my hip for leverage.

As we are open on Sundays now, I decided to go and shoot a round.    It seems much better.   I am padding my shoulder a little more and the gun does NOT kick like it did.  I even shot a 15 which is pretty good for me after not shooting for almost a whole year.

I then did some shopping, picked up some prescriptions for Dick and got home at about 3PM.  Chelsea seems a bit wobbly but hopeful.   She keeps asking me for something and the only thing I know is to take her out.   Thank God, she does not do that all night long.

Only four more days until the boys get her.   Bret will be here on Thursday afternoon and Bart and Barb intend to be here on Friday.

Tomorrow is very busy with Bible Study, Writer's Club and then a CWI telephone board conference.

So.   I am going to sign off on this and then help Dick with a few things before going to bed.

God love you all and be safe into the week


More on the economy:

If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," do you call them and ask if they meant you or them?

Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.

McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.

Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names.

A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico .


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