Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chelsea did not wake up until shortly after 5AM.   I was almost afraid that she would not.  But then I heard her little licenses rattling as she came in to wake me up.  Whew.

It was very hot and muggy today.   I saw the temperatures as high as 89 degrees.  I spent the morning, helping Dick get cleaned up for his out of the house appointments and I set up the inflatable bed for Bret when he gets here.   Roxie is wondering what The heck I am doing to her room.

The first appointment that Dick had was at 10:30AM at the Plymouth Clinic for his anti-coagulation test.   He was perfect again.   That is two appointments in a row so we are really pleased.    When we got home, I prepared Chicken, a rice mix, creamed peas and fruit salad for our lunch.    Then I took a short nap

At 1:30PM we had a haircut scheduled with Julie at Shear Delight at the Plymouth Care Center for Dick.   She does such a good job on his hair and beard.  I am so glad that I don't have to do his hair anymore.   We started going there while he was in the Care Center and now it is easier and she does his beard too.

Chelsea had another seizure again today.  She is really clingy these days, I think she is a bit worried.

I finished three of the five things that I need to to to close out the board meeting.  I can do one tomorrow and one a bit later in the summer.  Tomorrow I will shop and do some baking and more computer work.   I will have to wash clothes also.

I am about a third of the way through the bones of the time line of Irish History that I am doing for the When Irish Eyes Were Smiling day at the museum.   I really want it done tomorrow so that I can forward it to Beth and we can refine it next week after the boys and Barb are bond.

Take care and have a good Wednesday.   On Thursday Bret arrives.   Yippee

God love you


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