Sunday, March 07, 2010

A whole day at home. It was pretty warm today too. I took Chelsea for a walk this afternoon with just a long sleeved shirt on as it was 44 degrees or more, sunny and still.

We had steak and fresh asparagus for our dinner. I thought that since is was Oscar day, we should have a special meal. I spent much of the morning down in the den sorting fabric and cutting out for a quilt in process. I finally have all those pieces cut and can now start sewing when there is time. I also picked out and washed fabric for another quilt that will be done in pieces.

I took a nice two hour nap this afternoon. I think I needed it as Chelsea got me up twice during the night. Once at 12:30AM and once at about 4PM. This disrupts my sleep and I sometimes have trouble getting back to sleep so my naps are becoming even more important.

Just watched "Who Do You Think You Are" by Ancestry .com. It featured Sarah Jessica Parker looking for her ancestors on her mother's side. It took her to California in 1848 during the gold rush. Her Great Great Grandfather went there and died there not even knowing that he had a son.

Years ago, my ex and I along with some friends, dis a camping tour with our keeps along the Golden Chain. We traveled to many ghost towns and explored a lot of old camps and mine areas. It was fun but I had almost forgotten about it. I wonder if I have any pictures anywhere of that trip. I don't think so. but will look.

So. that was my day. Tomorrow will be much busier.

I did not talk to Bart or Barb today. I hope that Barbara is resting. That girl is really exhausted.

God love you


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