Friday, March 12, 2010

A busy Friday. We started off with The service man from Steger Heating coming to replace the furnace filter and a damaged ignitor. When he left we were all done with breakfast and that cleanup so I cleaned the bathrooms and washed the sheets and another load of clothes, then fixed some lunch for Dick before heading out for lunch at the Dairy Queen and a whole slew of errands.

I went to the bank on the way to the Dairy Queen to cash a check for Mother and one for me.

After lunch, I had time to go to Fleet Farm to buy my turkey hunting license before my appointment with Dr. Sokhi at the Sheboygan Clinic. While I was there, I checked their boots and found a pair of rubber boots. I have wanted a pair for a couple of years as I am sick of walking Chelsea in wet weather and ending up with cold wet feet.
They were even on sale, so I was excited.

My appointment with Dr. Sokhi went well. I told him all the troubles I have been having with my stomach. What he has prescribed til now has helped a lot. I no longer wake up from the pain in my stomach. However, I still have problems with pain much too often so he added a medication to take when the symptoms occur. He did say that there is noting functionally wrong. All the tests show that I am healthy and there are not underlying physical problems. He knows my situation and that there is nothing that can be changed right now, so what we need to do is treat the symptoms until the stress can be relieved. Makes sense to Dick and me so we are moving ahead with that.

I left there and stopped at Woodlake. I had hoped to get some Revolution Tea but they were out of the kind I like best. I did get some hard rolls (for brats tomorrow), red potatoes for corned beef on Sunday and some freezer paper so that I can use it in applique pieces.

Then I stopped at Mother's to drop off some soup and bread. Then home, with a stop at Walgreens to pick up my new prescription.

We got our dinner from St. John's again. A nice fish fry. Now I am watching "Who Do You Think You Are", Ancestry's new series about celebrities tracing their roots. This week is Emmitt Smith is featured. I am finding it fascinating. Maybe tomorrow, I can do some more searching.

So the day has wound down. I like the weekends lately. They are among the quiet days. I probably will go to Rhine tomorrow to help with the high school shoot for a couple of hours and will go to Mass at 4 but the rest of the two days is mine, mine, mine.

God love you


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