Sunday, January 10, 2010

A wonderful quiet day at home. I really took it easy. The only real work I did was making dinner and three loads of wash. We had meatloaf. I decided to surprise Dick with that. He loves meatloaf and it goes well with potato salad.

Feeding Chelsea is becoming quite a puzzle. She is being switched over to G D formula Science Diet which will be better for her kidney. So I have to mix half and half for a couple more days to get her used to the new food. Now she is being very picky in he eating anyway and this morning she did not eat her breakfast. I don't know if it was because she was off her food, she did not like the mixture or she did not like the Aluminum Hydroxide that I mixed in to it. It seemed like a better idea than trying to spoon it down her throat. I think we could get away with that maybe once.

Tonight we mixed it with ice cream and she lapped it all up, so that is what I will try tomorrow. Dr. Pat hopes that this might settle her tummy and also the aluminum hydroxide is good for one of the kidney failings. So we will see.

Then tonight we watched the Packers. What a game. They lost, but what a game. The score was 45/48. Unfortunately the Cardinals got the 48 with a touchdown in overtime. Except for our rotten first quarter we would have whipped them. It was the highest ever scoring game in the playoffs EVER.

My week is quiet, so far and I am going to do my best to keep it that way. It willg ive me a chance to put Christmas away and do it in a leisurely fashion. Hope you have a good week too. Would you believe that we do not have even one medical appointment.

God love you.


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