Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well it was a very quiet day, but I did end up having to leave the neighborhood once anyway. Dick had something scratching in his eye. It reminded him of a similar situation a couple of years ago when an eyelash was sticking into the eye. He was right. An eyelash was sticking in again. Dr. Cheryl pulled it out and gave him some drops for the irritation. She said it is a condition called tricosis, and if it becomes chronic, we will pursue lazering the offending lash out of there. But we will just have to see what happens.

I started a pot of chicken soup with one of the stewing chickens that Bobbie gave us. I got the stock all ready so tomorrow I can add the veggies and spices and chicken and we can have it for supper tomorrow night.

I also started packing the Christmas tree ornaments away. Tomorrow I will tackle that again. Those things plus phone calls and working on some computer work for CWI and my book kept me really busy all day.

Tomorrow, Dick and I are going out for breakfast. We have not done that for over a year. We are going to the Wilderness which is now the Plymouth Family Restaurant, though I don't know which name it is going under. They always had good breakfasts and I understand are now non smoking. We stopped going there because of the smoke. We are going on Bret's "dollar". He didn't know what to get for Dick so sent money for a breakfast on him. What a guy. He has such an imagination.

So the day is done and so am I.

Til tomorrow. Keep yourself well.



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