Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well, today was an at home day but boy was I busy. I got up at 6 on the dot because I needed to finish the tree. I figured that if I got it all down and stowed in its box, Joan, our cleaning lady, would help me carry it downstairs. And she did. So now Dick doesn't have to worry about me trying to get it down to the furnace room alone.

I had several phone calls to make today to doctors and health care workers and veterinarians. And I DID have to go out this afternoon to pick up prescriptions for Mother, Dick and Chelsea. Aside from taking Chelsea for about 8 walks today that was the only time I left the house. It is no wonder that I am tired at the end of the day.

I remembered yesterday that Sunday will be the CWI meeting and we are doing a study of St. Bridget and attempting to make St. Bridget Crosses. I looks like there will be about 7 or 8 of us here so it will be manageable. I cut a bunch of grasses and also have some twisted paper that is suggested in some of the directions so we can all try and see how we do. There are simple directions on the net and I have pulled together information on Bridget both legand and fact to relay to the group. This seemed like a good program as we are planning a trip to Ireland at this time next year to celebrate St. Bridget Day. Did you know that Ireland has three patron saints? They are St. Patrick, St. Columba (Columcille) and St. Bridget.

Tomorrow evening, Nancy and I will start shooting our pistol league at Rhine. She is going to pick me up at about 4:45PM so Dick and I will eat dinner when I get home.

Take care and have a good Friday.

God love you


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